World Teacher's Day - 5 October 2022

UNESCO proclaimed 5 October to be World Teachers' Day in 1994, celebrating the great step made for teachers on 5 October 1966, when a special intergovernmental conference convened by UNESCO in Paris adopted the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, in cooperation with the ILO.

 The theme for World Teachers' Day 2022 is “The transformation of education begins with teachers”. This is a day to celebrate the transformative and critical role that teachers play in growing learners' potential.

Teachers truly are the backbone of society. They are role models to children, offer guidance and dedication and give young people the power of education. Because of teachers, countries are able to further develop socially and economically.

Lesson planning is a critical aspect of teaching that often happens days before a lesson is taught. Planning, developing and organizing instruction are some of the biggest duties of the Teachers
"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." "Your heart is slightly larger than the average human heart, but that's because you're a teacher." "Teachers can change lives with the right mix of chalk and challenges." "Teaching is the greatest act of optimism."
A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. This person is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on campus. This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story.
So as a recap, the four answers that you can give when being asked, what are your greatest weaknesses, are, I focus too much on the details, I've got a hard time saying no sometimes, I've had trouble asking for help in the past, and I have a hard time letting go of a project.
Give Respect, Get Respect. A great teacher will always lead by example. This is because most of them are aware that if they give their students respect, most of them will return the same. This is a valuable lesson to learn from teachers as it enables one to be more humble and simple in nature.
British teachers get more respect than colleagues in the US, France and Germany, according to an international survey. Teachers in China, Malaysia and Taiwan enjoy the highest status, but teachers in Brazil, Israel and Italy are languishing at the tail end of the "teacher status index".
The teacher in ancient India, therefore, had no fixed income. Thus the relationship between the teacher and the pupil was regarded as filial in character both by Hindu and Buddhist thinkers. He was the spiritual father of his pupil, held morally responsible for their drawbacks.
The Gurukul is a type of school in the ancient education system. Their main motto is to develop knowledge and they are highly focused on education. The Gurus train their students with meditations, yoga and other standards. The teacher is called as a Guru and the students are called as Shisyas.
A gurukul or gurukulam (Sanskrit: गुरुकुल, romanized: gurukul) is a type of education system in ancient India with shishya ('students' or 'disciples') living near or with the guru, in the same house.
education and the curriculum comprised the study of ancient scriptures, law, medicine, astronomy, military science and the eighteen silpas or arts.

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