U.tube For Learning

  You Tube is operational in above countries.My YouTube channel.

History Of You Tube

You tube is an American online video sharing platform .Its head office is situated in San Bruno,California.It is now Google subsidiary .

You tube allows users to upload videos ,view them ,rate them with likes and dislikes,share them add videos to playlists.You can also report harmful content and make comments. "Broadcast Yourself" is a famous slogan of the application.It allows anyone to operate a personal broadcasting station in resemblance to television with the extension of video on demand.Since then it has continued growth and functionality.It also faced criticism in terms of copyright material and sexual content.Now its operation come under Information Technology act in india and in some other countries.

YouTube is proved very important tool for learning ,training and education. During lockdown  students and educationist ,used this resource for active learning

Youtube for Continuous Education

To my surprise, I find even the house wives are learning new dishes and turned the tough experience of lockdown in to opportunity as a new technology is evolving with new speed. It has made compulsion for all of us to learn new ways for learning and earning. Here we shall discuss various opportunity that YouTube provides us and also discuss important feature of  it.  
YouTube is used For Spreading Awareness 

Important features Of YouTube
In this section You can explore many things in this section.
Fashion and beauty
You can get subscription of many popular utube channels and can get a Regular updates of channels.
Library and History 
You can build here library of your own watched favourite videos.liked videos are also added in this section.
Your Videos
In this section you can watch your posted videos .You can make them public and private as well
Neccesity for U tube chanel
(1) One must posses gmail ID
(2)You must  registere mobile  number
(3) Sign in for utube.com

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